How does the Loesch Hair Growth System compare to Bosley's medical hair replacement surgery?
Please keep in mind that this is not a magic pill. Treatment will take time and you will see no regrowth overnight so don't expect it. We offer a treatment program that works only when CONSISTENTLY used at the proper FREQUENCY. Without these two components, it will not work. Nothing works if you don't use it. Week 1: Dramatic improvement in scalp cleanliness. No increase in hairfall. Maintenance: Use the entire kit every other day or every third day but if you are using Scalp Activator and/or Minoxidil, continue those twice per day. DO NOT MISS DOSES. |
Bosley promotes this as "The worlds first and only permanent solution to hair loss." Not only is this particular statement false, but the rest of their promotional material is filled with inaccuracies, manipulated images, and unsound medical practices. For more information on Bosley's medical violations, click here. Week 1: About 25% of the transplanted follicles do not "take" and all of the transplanted follicles drop their hairs which may or may not come back in later. Incisions weep fluid and bleed for a long time. Risk of infection is high. Risk of stretch marks is high (from where the scalp was removed). |
Long-Term Statistics From the founding of the company in 1951, W. T. Loesch, Sr. decided that we would not refer to any arbitrary studies done by some obscure university on one or more of the ingredients in our products. Instead, he decided that we would collect information from our clients while monitoring their usage patterns and encouraging them to do better when they fell short of "recommended use." As the current Vice-President I have decided that we will continue this more realistic form of reporting avoiding the use of any data we did not collect ourselves. Since 1951 we have been collecting Confidential Progress Reports and though only a small fraction of our customers respond to the questionnaire, the large number of clients we have and the average length of their treatment gives us very reliable statistics that show that our product works. For example, the success rate of Minoxidil by itself is only 75-80% but with proper treatment, we can push that success rate over 90% even without hormones. Early on, we notice that a large number of surveyed clients were writing in things like "Why don't you sell this as a dandruff shampoo? It cured my dandruff too!" and "My doctor says my Seborrheic Dermatitis is cured thanks to your product!" As we saw these patterns emerge it became obvious that proper treatment of the factors that contribute to hair loss lead to a reduction in many of the bothersome symptoms that often go along with hair loss. As we began tracking those side-effects we noticed that some of them had success rates so high as to be irrefutable. Since we also monitor our clients' purchasing patterns and can tell which clients are using the products as directed and which are not, we have been able to establish that our statistics represent actual probabilities that you will most likely experience during treatment. While this treatment method does not work on everyone, if you use it properly you are highly likely to get the results described by the statistics to the left.
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